May 2018

PRESENT:   J Allan. P Fotheringham. T Hall. J Alsop. L Alsop. D Spittlehouse. P Rushton.
                   Cllr. J Milne.  Clerk. Liz Holman.
                   1 Member of the public.
• P Rushton proposed that   D Spittlehouse step up from Vice Chairman, no seconders.  T Hall proposed J Allan and was seconded by P Fotheringham.   J Allan accepted the nomination of Chairman only if he had the whole council backing. With no response to this, J Allan gave his resignation as Chairman and Councillor with immediate effect.  The Clerk was given a letter of resignation from J Allan.        J Allan left the meeting.   D Spittlehouse was asked to step up as Chairman by P Rushton, seconded by J Alsop. All Councillors voted unanimously in favour.  D Spittlehouse accepted the role of Chairman and signed the acceptance form.           N.B.  J Allan's letter of resignation was not read at the meeting, so the contents of this cannot be minuted. However, it was requested in an email from J Allan to the Clerk later that evening, that he requested his letter to be publicised. This will be made available for the public to view at the same time as the minutes but as an appendix.
• D Spittlehouse nominated P Rushton and this was seconded by J Alsop.  P Rushton accepted the role of Vice Chairman and signed the acceptance form.
There was a brief discussion between the Councillors at J Allan's decision to resign. 
• D Spittlehouse on Clerks wages.
• Minutes were approved and signed by Chairman D Spittlehouse.
• Speed Sign Update:  Clerk still waiting to hear from survey from LCC. Clerk to chase.
• Audrey's Memorial Bench: The bench location has now been approved by highways. The bench is on order and paid for. 5 monetary donations totalling £520 has been received by the clerk. Letters of thanks have gone out to those that have donated. An email has been received from Highways re- application of the placement of the bench. Clerk to sign acceptance of conditions and return. 
• Pothole and flooding Church road: Both these issues have not been addressed at this present time.
• Wooden construction on fence:  This was reported and was taken down then re-erected after a couple of days. Cllr. J Milne advised Clerk to get in touch with the enforcement officer again.
• A member of the public commented on the hedge that is growing onto the highway on Common Lane, making it dangerous when cars are approaching as there is no way to get off the road.  Dog fouling on Main St. and Lodge Lane. It was asked to remind dog owners about the new Public Space Protection order and the consequences if they don’t pick up, to go in the next newsletter.
• D Spittlehouse said that the bus shelters needed cleaning and repainting. All agreed.  Clerk to ask the contractor that did them last year and to get 3 quotes for painting. He also brought up posters that are attached to poles in the village look unsightly when not removed after the event has taken place.  Clerk to mention this in the newsletter.
• Cllr. J Milne apologised for the Bowls being closed at the Leisure Centre, she tried her best to keep it going, but is no longer on that Committee. People are still protesting at its closure.  The plans for the new crematorium come to the planning department in July.  The new Hotel is rising in leaps and bounds, everything appears to be moving forward.  She also mentioned the Village plan, and if it were something we could join with Kexby.  Clerk to get the information.
008/18.  Clerk’s wages and expenses.  Clerk’s wages and expenses were approved and signed by Chairman D Spittlehouse.
009/18. Final accounts for 2017/2018.
•   An annual summary was presented to the Councillors along with the latest bank statement.  The Clerk had only just received the audit back from the internal auditors, so the Annual Governance and Accountability return wasn't able to be signed at this meeting. It was agreed by all Councillors to hold an extra meeting when the accounts and exemption certificate were ready for authorisation. The Annual accounts will be on the Upton Parish Website as well as in the Parish notice board.
010/18. Insurance.  
• It was agreed by all Councillors to keep with Community Lincs. Clerk awaiting final figures after adding the Memorial Bench and the Upton/Kexby sign.
011/18. Standing orders. 
• All Councillors agreed on standing orders for 2018/2019 with no changes.
012/18. Planning Applications.
• 137451. Church Rd. Granted.
• 137072. The Forge. Padmoor Lane. Granted.
• 137436. Conversion. Church Rd. Granted.
• 137551. Threeways. Heapham Rd. No Observations.
013/18. Community Fund.
• There was a discussion between the Councillors regarding the future of this Community Fund. It was the intention to ask the residents of Upton and Kexby for ideas for what this fund could be used for.  There is to be a meeting on the 14th May at the Rose and Crown, where all the participating groups have been asked to attend to discuss the situation and where it goes from here.  All Councillors agreed that it is not a matter for the Parish Council to get involved with.
014/18. Village Hall report.
• John Alsop attended the meeting on behalf of the Council. Not many in attendance.  Cllr D Spittlehouse to attend next meeting 24th May.  Clerk to confirm with Secretary Carol Wells regarding this year’s grant.
015/18. Crime report.
• Damage to tow bar lock on secured caravan.
016/18. Newsletter.
• Clerk had discussed with Kexby's Parish Council Clerk Geoff Payne, about sharing a newsletter, this would help Kexby residents receive information about local events and organisation news. Kexby Clerk to add this to their agenda for next meeting.
017/18. Website.
• The original website has been taken down. This is in compliance with the new Data Protection Act.  All information can be found on Upton Parish Council.   Please inform the Clerk with any information you would like to add.
018/18. GDPR Compliance.
• All Councillors were given a Security Compliance Checklist to fill in, sign and return to the Clerk for her records.  Councillors were reminded about email. To be compliant all Councillors will need a separate email for Council correspondence only. Clerk informed the Councillors to ask if they need assistance with this. A Data chart was circulated to all Councillors. This shows where all the information that is collated is being held. This chart to be updated as needs be.
019/18. Any other business.
• Cllr Fotheringham thanked the Bloomers for making the village look so nice with all the planters and flowers. Also to Liz for the phone box effort.  He also suggested that the Council should send a thank you letter to Cllr Allan for all the time he put in during the pig farm planning and all his support over the years. Clerk to write a letter.
Being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at
The next Parish Council meeting is to be held Tuesday 10th July 2018.
Appendix:  Cllr Allan’s letter of resignation.
To Upton Parish Council Clerk
Dear Liz,
       I have taken my role as a Parish Councillor and subsequently as Chairman of Upton Parish Council very seriously and have acted in accordance with my knowledge and experience of running businesses at the highest level in an International environment. I have always had a vision of what I believed the role of the council should be and how these tasks should be carried out. I believe my experience and professional background has been extremely important and meant that I have tried to take a professional approach to doing things the right way and following them through. I have recognised in the past that I have not had universal support for my stance on certain issues, but carried on because I believed I was right. However, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that whilst I have always worked in a supportive, collaborative, and professional environment throughout my career, I have sadly come to the conclusion that this is not the case in this team. Therefore I believe it is not possible for me to continue as the Chairman and resign forthwith. For the sake of clarity I do not wish to continue as a councillor either.
 I wish you all the best of luck.
Kind regards
Jamie Allan